SlimerJS 0.10.3 has been released on March 9, 2017.
SlimerJS 0.10.2 has been released on November 27, 2016.
SlimerJS 0.10.1 has been released on September 21, 2016.
SlimerJS 0.10.0 has been released on May 2 2016.
Experimental support of Webdriver, by using GhostDriver like phantomjs, to control SlimerJS from Selenium.
webpage.render() can now generates PDF, BMP and ICO.
webpage.paperSize is supported (except its header and footer properties).
webpage having long running scripts (compatible with Phantomjs 2)
Support of webpage.onResourceTimeout and webpage.settings.resourceTimeout
Implementation of system.stdin, system.stderr, and system.stdout is now a true output stream. It takes care about output encoding setting.
Implementation of system.standardin, system.standarderr, and system.standardout (Aliases of stdin, stdout, stderr properties...) (compatible with Phantomjs 2)
Support of command line option --output-encoding and phantom.outputEncoding. It supports the value ‘binary’ to output binary content with system.stdout.
Implementation of stream.atEnd and stream.readLine()
Implementation of phantom.aboutToExit
Implementation of phantom.resolveRelativeUrl(url, base) (compatible with Phantomjs 2.1)
Implementation of phantom.fullyDecodeUrl(url) (compatible with Phantomjs 2.1)
Comparing to PhantomJS 2.1, some few options for the command line and features on some object are missing. Among of them:
You can read the compatibility table to know details.
See also the differences in APIs and behaviors between SlimerJS and PhantomJS.