System is a module to retrieve some system informations.
var system = require('system')
An array containing a list of arguments on the command line given to the script. The first one (at index 0) is always the script name.
var numberOfArg = system.args.length;
var thirdArgument = system.args[2];
An object having information about the operating system. Here are its properties:
Contains the id of the Gecko system process.
Returns "slimerjs".
Same as stderr.
Same as stdin.
Same as stdout.
The standard output stream. This is an object with the same API as a file (/dev/stdout on MacOs and Linux) opened with the mode “w” with encoding set by phantom.outputEncoding (UTF-8 by default) or --output-encoding.
You can output binary content (for chained commands for example).
// myscript.js
phantom.outputEncoding = 'binary';
var page = require('webpage').create();
page.viewportSize = { width:600, height:800 };, function(success) {
if (success == "success") {
let bytes = page.renderBytes({format:'png'})
if (bytes) {
And on the command line:
slimerjs myscripts.js > image.png
slimerjs myscripts.js | convert - test.jpg
Note: binary output is not really supported on Windows.
The standard error stream. Same behavior of stdout but on /dev/stderr.
On windows, it is the output stream.
The standard input stream. This is an object with the same API as a file opened with the mode “rb” with no encoding.
It is not available on Windows.
var input =