SlimerJS has several options, that can be indicated on the command line or modified during the execution of the script.
It has also a “profile” system, the same as Firefox, which allows you to launch SlimerJS with different execution context.
SlimerJS accepts a number of options on the command line. It accepts the same options as PhantomJS, plus some others. Indicate them before the script filename.
However, all options are not supported yet. And some of them won’t be supported because they don’t make sens with the existing profile system.
PhantomJS options | ||
–config=/path/to/config.json | ||
–cookies-file=/path/to/cookies.txt | N/A. see profiles | |
–debug=[yes|no] | supported | Displays debug messages |
–disk-cache=[yes|no] | ||
–help or -h | Supported | Displays help about options |
–ignore-ssl-errors=[yes|no] | ||
–load-images=[yes|no] | Supported | |
–local-storage-path=/path/to/file | N/A. see profiles | |
–local-storage-quota=number | Supported | number in Bytes |
–local-to-remote-url-access=[yes|no] | ||
–max-disk-cache-size=size | ||
–output-encoding=encoding | ||
–proxy=address:port | ||
–proxy-auth=username:password | ||
–proxy-type=[http|socks5|none] | ||
–remote-debugger-port=number | ||
–remote-debugger-autorun=[yes|no] | ||
–script-encoding=encoding | ||
–ssl-protocol=[SSLv3|SSLv2|TLSv1|any] | ||
–ssl-certificates-path=/path/to/dir | N/A. see profiles | |
–version or -v | Supported | Displays the version of SlimerJS |
–webdriver or –wd or -w | ||
–webdriver=ip:port | ||
–webdriver-logfile=/path/to/logfile | ||
–webdriver-loglevel=[ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG] | ||
–webdriver-selenium-grid-hub=url | ||
–web-security=[yes|no] |
SlimerJS has some specific options. Some of them are options of Firefox/Xulrunner
Options specific to SlimerJS | ||
–error-log-file=file | Supported | stores all JS errors in the given log file |
-jsconsole | Supported | Open the error console that displays all javascript errors, warning, notices... |
-P name | Supported | Use the indicated profile |
-CreateProfile name | Supported | Create a new profile |
-profile path | Supported | Use the given directory as a profile |
With the --debug option, SlimerJS displays many messages about what happened during the execution of your script.
For the moment, it displays only messages about network events, page loading, and sendEvent calls. In future version, it will display configuration values, file opening, cookies etc..
SlimerJS accepts a value other than true/false for –debug. You can indicate what to display.
Example: --debug=pageloading,netprogress.
Available keywords are:
Not supported for the moment.
A configuration file could be given with the --config option.
Values of some options are available through the phantom object and the webpage object.
phantom.defaultPageSettings is an object that contains this following properties:
javascriptEnabled: true,
loadImages: true, // value of --load-images
localToRemoteUrlAccessEnabled: false, // value of --local-to-remote-url-access
XSSAuditingEnabled : false,
webSecurityEnabled: true, // value of --web-security
javascriptCanOpenWindows: true,
javascriptCanCloseWindows: true,
userAgent: 'SlimerJS',
userName: undefined,
password: undefined,
maxAuthAttempts: undefined,
resourceTimeout: undefined
phantom.defaultPageSettings cannot be modified by your script.
The property settings of a webpage object contains the same object, except that it can be modified. The default value of settings is equal to phantom.defaultPageSettings.
Note that even if settings and phantom.defaultPageSettings are usable, only few settings are taken account by webpage objects: javascriptEnabled, loadImages and userAgent.
A profile is a directory where XulRunner/Firefox (and so SlimerJS), store many things:
By default, SlimerJS create a temporary profile each time you launch it. This profile is deleted at the end of the execution. It allows to launch several SlimerJS instances at the same time: they don’t share same profile files.
If you want to use a persistent profile (to reuse same preferences, same cookies, localstorage etc stored during a navigation), you have to create a specific profile and to indicate it.
slimerjs -CreateProfile myNewProfile
It will create a directory in $HOME/.innophi/slimerjs/. Then to use this new profile, use the -P parameter
slimerjs -P myNewProfile myscript.js